Friday, April 11, 2008


I've finally done it.... I cut off my hair...sniff...sniff, I will admit I did have a bit of a break down this afternoon but Ralph is amazing and he has been raving about how much he likes it...I have the best husband in the world.  Well it was about time I made a change, I've had the same hair for about ten it is crazy to think I've been stuck in a rut for ten years with the same old haircut.  It is equally as crazy how attatched I was, but honestly it has been the one thing I am always complimented on, so as you can imagine I didn't want to give it up.  It is also a huge relief not only was my hair heavy but it is nice to have a fresh new outlook on life.  Besides I feel extra spunky now!   


April said...

Your hair looks great! I love it!!!! I cut 10 inches of my hair not too long ago, and it was way hard for me also. But seriously you look awesome , I love the way the cut looks with your curly hair :)

Weed Family said...

I love it!

Malerie said...

Hey! This is Malerie, Matt Weed's wife. Your hair is darling. I just wanted to say hi. It looks like you guys are doing awesome!