Sunday, October 5, 2008

The perfect activity for a rainy weekend in the autumn... canning.  There's something about storing up food for the coming winter months that makes me recall my inner animal instincts.  Now if only I would be allowed to just eat a lot, build up some fat stores, and hibernate for the winter... that would be the life.  Actually, there is just something so beautiful about the pretty colored food canned in those glass jars all lined up nice and tidy.  Wow, I've become my mother!    


Alta said...

Nice work guys, they look super yummy! Are those dilly beans? YUM

Mary said...

You could do worse than becoming your mother...
your mother

Lauren said...

Jenny!!! I just barely saw the comment that you left. This is so funny because I was thinking about you the other day and wished/wondered if you had a blog. Aren't these things great?! Speaking of look great!!! Your long hair really makes me miss mine - but don't get me wrong I still love my short hair. As far as Ayn Rand goes she is by far my favorite author! Atlas Shrugged is the most incredible book I have ever read. I just finished reading it for the 2nd time (it took me less than 3 months) and I'm ready to start over and read it again. I would highly recommend it. I'm glad to hear that you liked The Fountain Head because it's on my list too. She has some other really good ones. They're on my reading list if you want to check them out. OK this is really long, I am just so excited to talk to you!! =D

Alright I'll let you get back to life and I'll see you later. Hope you have a great day!!

ps. I love that you're an art teacher in SLC. I'd take your class for sure ;)