Saturday, June 21, 2008

Want good birth control?..... babysit.

I just have to give props to Mike and Alta.... you two are AMAZING!!! okay not only did they just run their butts off all night as part of a hundred mile race... but they are parents to three pretty spectacular, albeit tiring, children.  Ralph and I babysat for just a mere 24 hours well lets be precise more like 30 hours, and I am exhausted! as you can see in my picture I am pretty tired.  okay okay its not me but thats how I feel!  We love charlie, lizzie, and elliot, they are awesome kids and it was such a good learning experience but please god.... do not send us three all at once. 


LAINA said...

Wait a minute. You don't want three at once? Are you sure? You mean you like having free time and sleep time and painting time. By the way. I saw this picture in a restraunt in Cali that Thane and I ate in of a sort of abstract cow done in oils. If you need a projectto paint this summer there is always an abstract cow for Laina.

Floyd Family said...

You two are the best! Once you master Alta's kids, you are ready to move to the next level and take on my three!) I'm sure the kids loved their uncle Ralph and Aunt Jenny time!

Alta said...

I hope that you will speak to us again some time. The kids had a blast, and they are wondering when you will do it again. Teach me some of your skills, it seems that you are far better, and way more fun than we are. Thanks so much, we love you and will forever be indebted to you. Just know that when you have your little 3 ones you know just where to come to! And I totally mean that.